๐ฅผ ๐งโโ๏ธ๐ช Beam Girls ๐งชโค๏ธ๐
![a series of tumblr posts:
scientist girls in their labs, witch girls in their cottages. both are oh so hard at work coming up with new types of beams to shoot at each other
they are sending their familiars and their lab assistants to fight each other in the forests and in the parking lots
[drawing of a confused junior scientist on her phone and a cat looking up at her] 'so, just to clarify.. I'm here to fight the cat?'
[drawing of a bruised and beaten junior scientist and cat at a bar] They go to the bar afterwards](beams.png)
"I'm not going to fight that cat again, even if it means you fire me from the lab. i don't care if it'll push my graduation back a year to join Dr. Feldman's project; he's not studying showdowns in Denny's parking lots like you seem to be"
the mad Principal Investigator sighs
"hey! we're studying lasers too! what do you expect me to do? fight the witch myself?"
"i don't care if you fight her or kiss her; I'm just not going to fight that cat again"
"kiss her? what makes you think I'd do that?"
"having a nemesis is such a gay activity"
with that, the student turns and leaves
after the student leaves, the PI looks at a picture she took of her nemesis from a distance the first time they fired beams at each other and smiles wistfully
"how could she know?" she wonders to herself
"how could she possibly have figured out that this entire project is to try and impress the witch?"
one night later that week in a parking lot on campus, the PI and her assistant put on their goggles and ready their beam
the witch's familiar hides in a tree and watches the green laser beam flash a message in Morse code
the PI thinks the flashing is just testing the laser medium's maximum duty cycle, but it was her assistant who built that part of the system and who knows the secret
back at the witch's cottage, the cat tries to get the witch to accept that the scientist is still thinking of her
"the beam was flashing SHES GAY in morse code! can it get any more obvious?!" the witch's familiar sighs
the witch stands there, short on anything to say, but still in denial of all the evidence
the PI comes into the lab the next day to find a brick thrown through the window with a phone number and a heart burnt into it and knows immediately who threw it
with shaking hands, she dials the number.