Philo's Stories


this story is almost entirely lesbian erotica. please only click to view if you are of age and want to read that sort of thing.
content warnings: dubious consent, cis folks might want to sit this one out

to say Sarah wasn't nervous about her date that evening with Lilith would be a lie.
they'd met through a mutual friend a few days ago and she hadn't left her dreams since
she bites her lip as she thinks of the beautiful trans woman, hoping that the feeling is mutual and worrying that it isn't or that Lilith doesn't like cis women
she looks at the selfie Lilith sent her again, admiring the way that round glasses frame her face and the way her dark hair spills onto her shoulders and blends into her black dress
for just a moment, she imagines Lilith looking down at her with a subtle smile on her face and a collar in her hands
she drags her train of thought to a halt as the imagined soft leather touches her neck
as she sits alone, she feels a bit guilty for even imagining that; Lilith hasn't even kissed her yet, and it's more than a bit forward and fetishizing to assume that a girl she barely knows would collar her, she reminds herself

on the other side of town, the dark-haired trans woman of Sarah's dreams is yearning equally hard and is only a bit less nervous
Lilith closes her eyes and imagines herself looking up towards Sarah as her hands trace her neck
she imagines reaching up to brush Sarah's shoulder-length bleach-blonde hair away from her face, revealing her several earrings and an industrial piercing
she forces her eyes open, cutting short her mental picture of them kissing and trying as hard as she can to banish the thought, as though her dreams could upend reality and skip right past their date

the Italian restaurant Lilith picked for their date is a place that Sarah doesn't remember having seen before, even though it's right down the street from where she works and right next to a store she goes to occasionally
it's clearly been there for a while and she kicks herself for not having checked it out sooner
as she sits down, she looks around the small restaurant
above the cash register in the corner, she spots a frame with a row of colorful banknotes that she doesn't recognize
she doesn't think much of it as she looks at a shelf of wine bottles and then back towards her date
the women smile at each other, Sarah not quite having the words together to flirt with Lilith, and Sarah blinks
she looks around some more and her eyes rest on the frame above the cash register
the bills in it are in the same places as before, but they've become the green american notes she's very familiar with
"maybe I do need glasses" she thinks to herself

Lilith barely even looks at the menu before she sets it down on the table
"the gnocchi here are great" she tells the woman across the table from her, having made her choice before she even walked in the door
Sarah takes longer to decide, more than a bit distracted by her date's dark red dress and by the cute way she laughs at even her bad jokes

after she eventually decides, their conversation drifts towards bands they both like and concerts they've been to
their tastes in music overlap a fair bit, and Lilith imagines herself squeezing Sarah's hand as their favorite band counts in her favorite song
she shows Sarah a picture she took from the front of the crowd at a recent concert, and as Sarah looks up from her phone into her eyes, she sees a look she could almost describe as hungry on her face
she can't tell if it's because her gnocchi aren't ready yet or because she's hungry for her

the time before their food is ready passes quickly, the women lost in conversation
when it arrives, Sarah happens to look down towards her glass of water and her eyes drift to Lilith's glass and the dark mark her lipstick left on it
as she sees it, her thoughts drift to Lilith kissing and leaving marks like that on her
she looks back up into Lilith's eyes, and blinks
the lipstick and the mark it made are gone, although her desire to kiss the dark-haired girl across from her definitely isn't
"that's it; the black lipstick was in that selfie she sent me yesterday" she thinks to herself as the thought fades from her mind

Sarah blinks and opens her eyes in a different room than she closed them in
the restaurant booth has been replaced by an unfamiliar kitchen table and Lilith's dress has been replaced by a cute pair of black overalls, reality rewritten underneath her
as she looks around the room, it becomes more familiar, and then what happened clicks into place
how could she have already forgotten?
they'd already finished their dinner and had excitedly gone back to Lilith's place to hang out, both of them hoping "hanging out" would have a hidden meaning
Lilith had gotten splashed by a speeding car along the way home and had changed into the overalls her date thought looked cute

as Lilith catches Sarah glancing at the heavily creased trans flag on the wall, she steers the conversation towards her transition and towards complaints about the medical system
Sarah laughs awkwardly at her calling "spironolactone a pain in the girldick" in the way that someone who's never been through it does
Lilith tries not to show her surprise at the awkward tone of Sarah's laugh and immediately knows how to fix it
she looks into her date's eyes, through her big round glasses, and waits for her to blink
as she does so, her laugh shifts in tone; it's no longer the awkward laugh of a cis girl at trans humor and has become a trans laugh of knowing recognition
of course Sarah is laughing at Lilith's jokes; she's trans too and they're legitimately kinda funny
in an instant, Sarah's life story has unraveled and reknitted itself with her none the wiser
she straightens herself in her seat, bringing herself to her new full height, a couple inches taller than she was a moment earlier
Lilith smiles a bit at her date now being slightly taller than her; she hadn't even done that intentionally
days filled with fear, doubt, and trans joy insert themselves into the newly trans girl's past, their memories just as real as her memory of sitting down at the restaurant a few minutes earlier
deep in her past, her fond memory of her first kiss with a girl still carries the tinge of being forbidden, even though she was allegedly a boy at the time and the kiss was supposedly straight
her piercings slide forwards in time; her industrial suddenly wasn't from a fit of rebellion at 18, instead she had had it done last year to make her punk rock lesbian look even more irresistible

the conversation drifts away from Lilith's transition just as quickly as it got there and eventually settles into a new orbit around Sarah's motorcycle, which she proudly shows off pictures of herself on
"isn't that kinda dangerous?" Lilith asks
"yeah, but life gets too boring for me without some adventure; I thought about making Danger my middle name, but it seemed a bit too stereotypical"
Lilith could not have come up with a better detail for Sarah's backstory if she'd tried
"it'd be a cute middle name" she says as she looks into her date's eyes, distorting reality and making the offhand suggestion the truth as soon as Sarah blinks
"yeah, but life gets too boring for me without some adventure; that's why Danger's my middle name, after all" Sarah laughs, the world having rewound around her

in a lull in the conversation, neither woman quite sure what to say next, Lilith asks Sarah a question: "may I kiss you?"
"I thought you'd never ask" replies Sarah, who smiles as Lilith leans in to kiss her on the cheek
she turns her head a bit and locks lips with the dark-haired woman, lingering for a long moment that leaves both of them wanting more
they kiss again, and when Sarah breaks away to catch her breath, she finally makes the move that Lilith has been waiting for all night: "wanna do more than just kiss? I bet your bed is really cozy"
Lilith agrees faster than she's ever agreed to anything before and leads her date to sit down on her bed with her
with an almost hungry look on her face, Sarah reaches under the straps to Lilith's overalls and slides her fingers down to the buckles
"may I?" she asks
"yes." the goth replies, blushing a bit
she slides the buttons out and lets the straps drop with a soft sound as they clink together
she folds the front of Lilith's overalls away with the enthusiasm of a kid opening a present, revealing her t-shirt of their favorite band
"you're beautiful" she says, making her blush even more
"you too" Lilith replies, making Sarah blush too

Lilith pulls Sarah closer and kisses her again and again as her arms tighten around her
her tongue makes a tentative foray into her mouth and then another when she hears a soft noise of pleasure from Sarah
she backs off, but not before leaving a kiss on the blonde's neck

the look in Lilith's eyes tells Sarah that she wants much more, so she runs her fingers along her body towards the hem of her shirt
when she gets there, she pauses for a moment, wondering if this is okay
Lilith answers her unspoken question with a "please" and she slides her fingers under her shirt and along her soft skin
the goth makes a soft sound and Sarah smiles
she leans in for a kiss as her hands explore Lilith's body, her lips muffling the cute noises that she makes at her touch

Sarah softly pushes Lilith's shoulders down against the bed and breaks away from the series of kisses
she looks down into her eyes, her bleach-blonde hair hanging down a bit in front of her face
"I need you to know how cute you are from above and when you're helpless like this" she says to the woman she's pressing against the bed
Lilith is too flustered to do anything other than smile and make a soft noise of agreement
despite all her power to bend reality and change cis to trans, she wants nothing more than to be at Sarah's mercy

Sarah slowly runs one finger along Lilith's side under her shirt towards her breasts
"want more, cutie?~" she asks
"please, Sarah~" Lilith replies, making her smile
she likes hearing the name she chose for herself, and she loves it coming from another woman in bed
she slides her fingers under Lilith's bra and is greeted by a sharp intake of breath before she even reaches her nipple
"oh, you really like that, don't you?~" she asks
"yeah~" Lilith answers, her voice barely louder than a whisper
Sarah leans in for a kiss and her breasts press against Lilith's as she collapses onto her, still kissing
the gentle feeling of the blonde's weight pushing her down onto the bed squeezes any remaining thoughts of warping reality out of Lilith's mind
she's cozy and this is exactly what she'd hoped for at the beginning of the night

she rolls off of her, and the two women lay side by side in Lilith's bed, both smiling
their worries from that morning have been completely replaced by sapphic bliss
Sarah tries to pull some words together, but all that comes out for a long moment is a very girly giggle
"can I crash with you tonight?" she eventually asks
"yes, of course" Lilith answers before rolling over to kiss her again

as the two trans women drift off to sleep in each other's arms, Lilith smiles in the dark, proud of the subtle edits she's made to the very fabric of reality and of the hot trans top she's fallen head over heels for

a lot of this was inspired by the excellent "Your Type" by Kallie
thank you to Tris, Maxine, and Hunter for editing help